This instructions collection consist of models which I have built or found interesting.
All instruction were available on the internet and to the best of my knowledge are for free.
Should someone have copyrights, etc, please contact me and I will remove them.
I have tried to find the best quality of instructions, (not always successful).
Some of the instructions I have modified/ edited in order to be more presentable/ usable on a Tablet or PC, (nevertheless some of the instruction were in such a bad condition that they are still difficult to read, especially the black parts).
Most instructions come with a parts list (with links to BrickLink), made it easier for me to find the right parts straight away and get an idea about the prices.
Use the menu on the left, (the instruction are sorted by number), or use the the below links.
Useful links were you can find more instructions, (and where I have found many old ones which are not on the Lego page)
More links to Technic pages, etc.